1990.09―1994.07 天津大学 水资源与港湾工程系 港口及航道工程 学士学位
1994.09―1997.03 天津大学 水资源与港湾工程系 港口及航道工程 硕士学位
1998.09―2001.07 中国科学院海洋研究所 物理海洋学 博士学位
2018.05―至今 天津大学 海洋科学与技术学院 教授/博士生导师
1997.04―2018.04 国家海洋信息中心 研究实习员/助理研究员/副研究员/研究员/兼职博士生导师
2001.10―2003.10 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士后
2005.04―2005.12 美国国家海洋大气管理局地球物理流体动力学实验室/普林斯顿大学(GFDL/NOAA/Princeton University) 访问学者
1. 基于集合卡尔曼滤波与多重网格分析数据同化方法的参数估计研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41876014),2019-2022,主持
2. 海洋数值预报云计算技术应用示范,国家重点研发计划课题(2018YFC1406206),2018-2021,主持
3. 台风过程中的海洋多源资料集成与数据同化,国家973计划课题(2013CB430304),2013-2017,主持
4. 某海域海洋再分析产品研制,国家海洋重大专项课题,2013-2017,主持
5. 海洋再分析中的数据同化问题研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(41030854),2011-2014,主持
6. 集合卡尔曼滤波与变分同化的混合数据同化方法研究国家,自然科学基金面上项目(40776016),2008-2010,主持
7. Argo数据同化及多源资料再分析,国家973计划课题(2007CB816001),2007-2011,第二主持
8. 某海域模块化海洋数据同化业务系统,国家海洋重大专项课题,2007-2008,主持
9. 某海域模块化海洋数据试验系统研究,国家某专项总体设计项目,2006-2010,主持
10. 多元数据融合和数据同化关键技术研究,国家863计划课题(2006AA09Z),2006-2009,主持
11. 多变量集合卡尔曼滤波在数值再分析中的研究应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目(40476006),2005-2007,主持
12. 卫星观测与常规观测数据的同化方法研究,国家海洋重大专项子课题,2003-2005,主持
13. 方法库、模型库和产品库开发,国家海洋重大专项子课题,2003-2005,主持
14. 某海域水位、海流和海温预报保障系统研制——海洋数据同化系统的建立,军队重点科研项目,2002-2004,主持
15. 二阶伴随法在卫星测高数据变分同化中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(40206002),2001-2003,主持
1. Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Xuefeng Zhang, Xinrong Wu, Guijun Han, Yuxin Zhao, Xiaolin Yu, Chang Liu, Yun Liu, Shu Wu, Feiyu Lu, Mingkui Li, Xiong Deng (2020), Coupled data assimilation and parameter estimation in coupled ocean–atmosphere models: a review, Climate Dynamics, 54, 5127–5144.
2. Yu X, Zhang S, Li J, Lu L, Liu Z, Li M, Yu H, Han G, Lin X, Wu L, Chang P (2019), A multi-time scale EnOI-like high-efficiency filter for coupled model data assimilation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 45–63.
3. Zhang Lianxin, Xuefeng Zhang, P. C. Chu, Changlong Guan, Hongli Fu, Guofang Chao, Guijun Han*, We Li, 2017: Impact of sea spray on the Yellow and East China seas thermal structure during the passage of typhoon Rammasun (2002). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi: 10.1002/2016JC012592.
4. Yuxin Zhao, Xiong Deng, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Chang Liu, Vecchi G, Guijun Han, Xinrong Wu (2017), Impact of an observational time window on coupled data assimilation: simulation with a simple climate model. Nonlinear Process Geophys. 24, 681–694.
5. Wu Xinrong, Guijun Han, Shaoqing Zhang and Zhengyu Liu, 2016: A Study of the impact of parameter optimization on ENSO predictability with an intermediate coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 46(3), 711-727.
6. Zhang Xuefeng, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Xinrong Wu, Guijun Han, 2016: Correction of biased climate simulated by biased physics through parameter estimation in an intermediate coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 47(5), 1899-1912.
7. Fu Hongli, Xinrong Wu, Wei Li, Yuanfu Xie, Guijun Han, Shaoqing Zhang, 2016: Reconstruction of typhoon structure using 3-dimensional doppler radar radial velocity data with the multigrid analysis: A case study in an idealized simulation context. Advances in Meteorology, 2016(3), 1-10.
8. Han Guijun, Xinrong Wu, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, M. Navon, and Wei Li, 2015: A study of coupling parameter estimation implemented by 4D-Var and EnKF with a simple coupled system. Advances in Meteorology, 2015(1-2), 1-16.
9. Zhang Lianxin, Xuefeng Zhang, Guijun Han*, Xinrong Wu, XiaoJian Cui, Caixia Shao, Chunjian Sun, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Xidong Wang, Hongli Fu, 2015: Impact of sea spray on upper ocean temperature during typhoon passage: simulated with a 1-D turbulent model. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(5), 1164-1180.
10. Zhang Xuefeng, Guijun Han, Ding Li, Xinrong Wu, Wei Li, Peter C Chu, 2015: Variational estimation of wave-affected parameters in a two-equation turbulence model. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32, 528-546.
11. Wu Xinrong, Wei Li, Guijun Han, Lianxin Zhang, Caixia Shao, Chunjian Sun, and Lili Xuan, 2015: An adaptive compensatory approach of the fixed localization in the EnKF. Monthly Weather Review, 143(11), 4714-4735.
12. Zhang Xuefeng, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Xinrong Wu, Guijun Han, 2015: Parameter optimization in an intermediate coupled climate model with biased physics. Journal of Climate, 28, 1227-1247.
13. Han Guijun, Xuefeng Zhang, Shaoqing Zhang, Xinrong Wu and Zhengyu Liu, 2014: Mitigation of coupled model biases induced by dynamical core misfitting through parameter optimization: simulation with a simple pycnocline prediction model. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 357-366.
14. Fu Hongli, Wei Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Guijun Han*, Xidong Wang, Xinrong Wu, Lianxin Zhang, 2014: A study of transport and impact strength of Fukushima nuclear pollutants in the North Pacific surface. Journal of Ocean University of China, 13(2), 183-190.
15. Zhang Xuefeng, Guijun Han, Xidong Wang and Lianxin Zhang, 2014: Effects of stokes production on summer ocean shelf dynamics. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(1), 24-34.
16. Wang Xidong, Chunzai Wang, Guijun Han, Wei Li and Xinrong Wu, 2014: Effects of tropical cyclones on large-scale circulation and ocean heat transport in the South China Sea. Climate Dynamics, 43(12) 1-16.
17. Wu Xinrong, Wei Li, Guijun Han, Shaoqing Zhang and Wang Xidong, 2014: A compensatory approach of the fixed localization in EnKF. Monthly Weather Review, 142(10) 3713-3733.
18. Fu HongLi, Xidong Wang, Peter C. Chu, Xuefeng Zhang, Guijun Han, Wei Li, 2014: Tropical cyclone footprint in the ocean mixed layer observed by Argo in the northwest Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(11), 8078-8092.
19. Han Guijun, Xinrong Wu, Shaoqing Zhang, Zhengyu Liu and Wei Li, 2013: Error covariance estimation for coupled data assimilation using a Lorenz atmosphere and a simple pycnocline ocean model. Journal of Climate, 26(24), 10218-10231.
20. Han Guijun, Hongli Fu, Xuefeng Zhang, Wei Li, Xinrong Wu, Xidong Wang, and Lianxin Zhang, 2013: A global ocean reanalysis product in the project of China ocean reanalysis (CORA). Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30(6), 1621-1631.
21. Han Guijun, Wei Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Xidong Wang, Xinrong Wu, Hongli Fu, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Lianxin Zhang and Dong Li, 2013: A new version of regional ocean reanalysis for coastal waters of China and adjacent seas. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30(4), 974-982.
22. Han Guijun, Wei Li, Hongli Fu, Xuefeng Zhang, Xidong Wang, Xinrong Wu and Lianxin Zhang, 2013: An ensemble estimation of impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east coast of China and the west coast of America. Science China - Earth Sciences, 56(8), 1447-1451.
23. Wang Xidong, Guijun Han*, Wei Li, Xinrong Wu and Xuefeng Zhang, 2013: Salinity drift of global Argo profiles and recent halosteric sea level variation. Global and Planetary Change, 108, 42-55.
24. Wang Xidong, Peter C. Chu, Guijun Han*, Wei Li, Xuefeng Zhang and Dong Li, 2012: A fully conserved minimal adjustment scheme with (T, S) coherency for stabilization of hydrographic profiles. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(12), 1854-1865.
25. Fu Hongli, Peter C. Chu, Guijun Han*, Zhongjie He, Wei Li and Xuefeng Zhang, 2013: Improvement of short-term forecasting in the northwest Pacific through assimilating Argo data into inital fields. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(7), 57-65.
26. Li Wei, Yuanfu Xie and Guijun Han, 2013: A theoretical study on the multi-grid data assimilation scheme using a simple bilinear interpolation scheme. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(3), 80-87.
27. Zhang Xuefeng, Guijun Han, Dongxiao Wang, Zengan Deng and Wei Li, 2012: Summer surface layer thermal response to surface gravity waves in the Yellow Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 62, 983-1000.
28. Wang Xidong, Wei Li, Yiquan Qi, and Guijun Han, 2012: Heat, salt and volume transport of eddies over vicinity of Luzon strait. Deep Sea Research, Part I, 61, 21-33.
29. Han Guijun, Wei Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Dong Li, Zhongjie He, Xidong Wang, Xinrong Wu, Ting Yu, and Jirui Ma, 2011: A regional ocean reanalysis system for coastal waters of China and adjacent seas. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28(3), 682-690.
30. Zhang Xuefeng, Guijun Han, Dongxiao Wang, Wei Li and Zhongjie He, 2011: Effect of surface wave breaking on the surface boundary layer of temperature in the Yellow Sea in summer. Ocean Modelling, 38, 267-279.
31. Wang Xidong, Guijun Han, Yiquan Qi, and Wei Li, 2011: Impact of barrier layer on typhoon-induced sea surface cooling. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 52, 367-385.
32. Yu Ting, Guijun Han, Changlong Guan, and Zengan Deng, 2010: Several important issues in salinity quality control of Argo float. Marine Geodesy, 33, 424-436.
33. Li Wei, Yuanfu Xie, Zhongjie He, Guijun Han, Kexiu Liu, Jirui Ma and Dong Li, 2008: Application of the multi-grid data assimilation scheme to the China Seas' temperature forecast. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25(11), 2106-2116.
34. He Zhongjie, Yuanfu Xie, Wei Li, Dong Li, Guijun Han, Kexiu Liu, and Jirui Ma, 2008: Application of the sequential three-dimensional variational method to assimilating SST in a global ocean model. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25(6), 1018-1033.
35. Han Guijun, Wei Li, Zhongjie He, Liu Kexiu, and Ma Jirui, 2006: Assimilated tidal results of tide gauge and TOPEX/POSEIDON data over the China seas using a variational adjoint approach with a nonlinear numerical model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(3), 449-460.
36. Han Guijun, Jiang Zhu, and Guangqing Zhou, 2004: Salinity estimation using the T-S relation in the context of variational data assimilation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 109, C03018, doi: 10.1029/2003JC001781.
37. Han Guijun, Bairong He, Jirui Ma and Dong Li, 2000: A study on the theory of second order adjoint model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 19(2), 1-6.
38. Fu Hongli, Guijun Han, Wei Li and Xuefeng Zhang, 2012: Investigation of transport paths and times of Fukushima nuclear pollutants in the North Pacific surface using surface drifting buoys. International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012), IEEE, 6, 1490-1493.
39. Wu Xinrong, Han Guijun, Dong Li, and Wei Li, 2011: A three-dimensional variational analysis using sequential filter. Proceedings of Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, (CSO 2011), IEEE Computer Society, 1016-1020. doi: 10.1109/CSO.2011.60.
40. Han Guijun, Wei Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Dong Li, Zhongjie He, Xidong Wang, Xinrong Wu, Jirui Ma and Ting Yu, 2008: Development of a regional ocean reanalysis system in the China seas. GODAE final symposium, Nice, France, Nov. 11–17, 2008.
41. Han Guijun, Jirui Ma and Bairong He, 2000: Variational assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data in a nonlinear tidal model of the East China Sea. 2000 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Tokyo, Japan. A supplement to Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81(22), WP84.
2014 海洋科学技术二等奖
2013 海洋科学技术二等奖
2006 中国人民解放军科学技术进步二等奖
2005 海洋创新成果二等奖