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Join Us at School of Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University

Release time:2024-07-09

  Tianjin University, formerly known as Peiyang University, was founded in 1895 as the first modern university in China. After the reform and opening up, Tianjin University was one of the first universities to be constructed under the “Project 211” and “Project 985”, and selected as Type-A university of the “World-Class Universities”. Cultivating enormous talents, Tianjin University has developed as a high-level research university well-known both at home and abroad with outstanding teacher resources, featured disciplines, and first-class quality of education and scientific research.

  Keeping abreast of national needs for marine talents and persisting in strengthening moral education and integrated development, the School of Marine Science and Technology (SMST for short), established in April 2014, endeavors to build itself as a first-class school, based on the ideas of “demand oriented, science and engineering integrated, and characteristics distinguished”. SMST attaches great importance to talent construction, devoting to build a platform that encourages outstanding talents to stand out and pursue excellence under a sparkling sky of inspiration.

1. Recruitment fields

  Subject areas: Marine Science, Marine Technology, Marine Economic Management

  Specific directions:

  Marine exploration technology (positioning, sensor, platform)

  Marine information technology (surveying engineering, data engineering, remote sensing)

  Marine dynamics (data assimilation, forecast and prediction)

  Marine chemistry and chemical engineering (environmental protection, resource utilization)

  Marine management (economic management, strategic research)

2. Recruitment positions

  Chair Professor, Outstanding Young Professor, Outstanding Young Associate Researcher, Associate Researcher, Postdoctoral Fellow (Assistant Professor).

3. Application Time

  Application throughout the whole year.

4. Responsibilities

  (1)Chair Professor

  By accurately grasping the development direction of the discipline, the Chair Professor should be able to put forward strategic, forward-looking and creative research ideas, and lead the discipline to catch up with or maintain the international advanced level in the frontier fields.

  The Chair Professor should be committed to the improvement of the overall quality and research level of the teaching staff while by any means training and introducing the excellent talents.

  (2)Outstanding Young Professor

  Holding a high level in teaching, the Outstanding Young Professor should be competent in training high-quality top-notch innovative talents as well as completing various teaching tasks stipulated by the school and the college, with carrying out in-depth teaching research and reform and then achieving outstanding teaching results.

  With an independent research direction in line with the development of the discipline, on the one hand, one can lead the discipline to serve the major needs in terms of national economic and social development, and on the other hands, one should be able to lead the discipline to carry out international advanced academic research.

  One is supposed to play an important role in such aspects as discipline construction, base construction, talent introduction and international exchanges and cooperation.

  (3)Outstanding Young Associate Professor

  Holding a high level in teaching, the Outstanding Young Associate Professor should competent in training high-quality top-notch innovative talents as well as completing various teaching tasks stipulated by the school and the college, with carrying out teaching research and reform and then achieving good teaching results.

  One should be engaged in high-level scientific research, research direction in line with the development needs of the discipline, outstanding performance in related fields at home and abroad, and has been recognized by peer experts.

  One is supposed to play an important role in such aspects as discipline construction, base construction, talent introduction and international exchanges and cooperation.

  (4)Associate Researcher

  The research direction one is engaging in should be in line with the development needs the discipline requires, while one should have made certain academic achievements in the research field in which a good academic development potential can be shown.

  One should actively participate in discipline construction as well as high-level international academic conferences and other forms of international academic exchange activities while actively undertaking and participate in national, provincial and municipal science and technology projects.

  In principle, one should have two years or more of postdoctoral working experience.

  (5)Postdoctoral Fellow

  One should be mainly engaged in basic research, applied research, transformation of scientific and technological achievements and teaching assistance, and other support for talent team, discipline construction and scientific research base development.

5. Compensation and Benefits

  A whole package of the competitive salary, welfare treatment, favorable scientific research start-up funds and good working and living conditions will be provided by the joint efforts among the university, the state and Tianjin municipality jointly. Those who requires for settlement shall be settled in accordance with the policy requirements of Tianjin Municipality. The positions of chair professors, outstanding young professors, outstanding young associate professor are employed as institution staff members, while associate researchers, postdoctoral Fellow shall sign the labor contract.

6. Application Instructions:

  (1) The CV

  (2) Representative achievements

  (3) Three reference letters

  (4) Future research plans

  You may kindly collate the total materials listed above into a single PDF document with the file name "SMST+ Position+ Name", and send it to the email chenmeizhu@tju.edu.cn or hyws@tju.edu.cn.

7. Contact Information

  Contacts:Ms. Chen, Ms. Li


  E-mail: chenmeizhu@tju.edu.cn and cc hyws@tju.edu.cn

  School's Official Website: http://marine.tju.edu.cn/

About the School

  The School of Marine Science and Technology (SMST for short), was established in April 2014. Keeping abreast of national needs for marine talents and persisting in strengthening moral education and integrated development, SMST endeavors to build itself as a first-class school, based on the ideas of “demand oriented, science and engineering integrated, and characteristics distinguished”. It has a total of 64 high-quality faculty, among whom 19 professors and 26 associate professors.

  Marine Science is ranked 6th in China discipline ranking according to 2023 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), and is ranked 85th in Global Ranking of Academic Subjects. And it has also ranked Type A in Times Higher Educations China Subject Ratings. Marine Technology is ranked 2nd in Academic Subjects in ARWU. SMST has scientifically made a complete data-oriented Bachelor-Master-Doctorate New Engineering curriculum system with the teaching ideas of informatization, instantiation, and internationalization, supported by five teaching and practical platforms on Marine Exploration Technology, Marine Information Technology, Marine Dynamics, Marine Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

  The School has undertaken a lot of key and significant research programs such as National Key Research and Development Programs, National Science Foundation of China, Major Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education, National Ministries and Commissions. And it has established Key Laboratory of Ocean Observation Technology of Ministry of Natural Resources, Tianjin Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Research and Service, Tianjin Port Environmental Monitoring Engineering Center, Tianjin Science Education Base, Tianjin Think Tank of University Cultivation, Jinnan District Innovative Research Institute of Tianjin University, and Applied Oceanography Branch of China Association of Marine Affairs.

  Following the “Belt and Road Initiative” and “China’s Strategy of Maritime Power”, SMST has received approval of projects of the ASEAN-China Maritime Cooperation Fund, China-Indonesia Cultural Exchanges Programs. The School has established ASEAN-China Smart Ocean Center, Indonesia-China Smart Ocean Center, and ASEAN-China Smart Ocean New Engineering Education Community. The School also set the ASEAN Specialized Undergraduate Class in Marine Technology of Tianjin University, recruiting fifteen Malaysian students in the first year.

  In the progress of promoting talent-and-discipline construction, SMST has actively engaged in the academic exchanges with prestigious universities, included but not limited to University of Bristol, St Petersburg University, University of Malaya, Catholic University of Louvain, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Technische Universität München, Universitat Hamburg, University of Quebec, Nanyang Technological University, University of Singapore, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Mahidol University, Thailand.

This recruitment information above is long-term valid.

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